A conversation with Simon Stephens

Simon Stephens is an Award-Winning Playwright: his use of language is captivating. Not only have I witnessed this when watching his plays, The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night, Fatherland and Sea Wall, but in person when interviewing him for my first ever 'Child Of' conversation. It was an honour to explore his childhood feelings, inspirations, and family background. I first got in touch with Simon after watching 'Fatherland' at the Lyric in Hammersmith. A Verbatim play exploring the complexities and modern fatherhood co written with Frantic Assembly's Scott Graham and Underworld musician Karl Hyde.

Everything I love about humans and creativity were on that stage. When the performance was over and the audience emotionally charged, leaving the auditorium, we were shaken again by the voices of a male choir rumbling through the foyer, hidden amongst the crowd, coming together … its giving me goosebumps now. So when he agreed to meet up with me to discuss his Dad's alcoholism and the effects it had on his family, I was blown away.

“My dad was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis at the age of 56, and on his diagnosis he tried to stop drinking and succeeded for a year of stopping drinking, and I think part of that stopping must have involved some sort of declaration of alcoholism. ”


I feel incredibly privileged to be trusted with his story, turning it into a visual narrative.

Simon’s artwork has nothing to do with addiction but a life-changing moment that gave him the confidence to progress in his career. It has a strong and positive message, one from which everyone can benefit. His descriptive memories have my sketchbooks full, and future artwork works a certainty…. one conversation holds so much inspiration.

A percentage of profit from Simon’s artwork and products will go to two charities Nacoa and Outside Edge, a theatre supporting those effected by addiction.

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